Amfeix Review - What Happened With This Scam Disaster?! And an TRUELY LEGIT Alternative...

Amfeix review of the amfeix discord telegram

Amfeix is no longer active - there is no staff available to assist users through telegram or discord, thus our recommendation is to avoid it.

Of course, not knowing the identities of the founders/employees has always been a warning - yet there are a slew of benefits to not disclosing such information. Governments are the ones that want to conceal from users.

At the same time, we've been looking at an option that doesn't have any of these problems.

Unlike Amfeix, their firm is entirely transparent, and we know who they are.

They're named 'Ember Fund' and they've even filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which we checked on the website.

They call themselves a "cryptocurrency hedge fund," and they offer iPhone and Android applications that you can use to track your account.

These three things, I believe, drew my attention the most:
  • Their performance has been equally as remarkable as Amfeix's, so I'd recommend switching for peace of mind even if everything goes well over there.
  • It's non-custodial, so they couldn't steal your money if they wanted to.
  • Unlike a traditional hedge fund, which is only open to accredited investors (those with a yearly income of over $1,000,000), you can contribute as little as $100. (This is only 10% of Amfeix's initial investment.)

Take a peek at Ember Fund by clicking here!

We're working on a more in-depth evaluation, but in the meanwhile, for those who are losing trust in Amfeix and are unsure where to go next, I typed this up fast.

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